Sunday, August 5, 2012

Doing Something

Many people have asked me, "How was France?" or, "How was your trip?" I don't know how to answer that question in a word, but if I had to sum it up, my answer would be, "life changing."

I know that God is doing a new work in my heart and in Michelle's, and I know that he opened a wide door for us to even get to France to begin with. I think it is evident that there is something here for us to pursue. The issue, though, is that I don't know what that looks like in the meantime, or if it is even supposed to be a full-time thing. What do we do while we wait?

In the past, I would have felt paralyzed at this stage. Impotent and impatient. But I really think that God is. challenging us to do something. We have an opportunity now to invest in relationships and build the kingdom here, in Garland, Texas.

I don't want to waste any time or opportunities to love others, to pray, to prepare, to do something for God. While we wait with quiet and secure faith in God's timing, we will also eagerly expect what is to come. 

I feel alive in a way that I haven't felt in a long time, and I want to "fan into flame the gift" that God has given me. For everyone who reads this, I'd like to ask forgiveness for holding back from you in the past. I was trying to "save up" my passion for the "real" work God called us to. I was selfish to withhold my love, commitment and brotherhood from you. 

I would like to try to change that. I want to be open and available. I want to love and live passionately, and I want to do it alongside my brothers and sisters. I am so thankful for all of the people that He has placed in my life. I am humbled by your love.

So, that being said, do you want to change the world together. Let's do it. Let's pray together, trust in God together that he can change our lives, our families, and our communities. Let's not waste time, let's not be isolated and fearful in giving our hearts and lives for one another.

I love you, and I want to do something with you!